Saturday, November 3, 2012

What is Love?

Satisfaction and ultimate fulfillment are by-products of dedicated love. They belong only to those who can reach beyond themselves, to whom giving is more important than receiving. Love is doing everything you can to help others build whatever needs to be done, and saving whatever will promote the other's happiness, security and well-being. Sometimes love hurts. And HURT! it does...

Love is on a constant journey to what others need. It is kind, beautiful and must be attentive, caring and open to both. To what others say and to what others cannot say. Love says no with empathy and great compassion. Love is firm but when needed it must be tender. When others have tried and failed, love is the hand in yours, in your moments of discouragement and disappointment.

Love is reliable. It is a choice  and commitment to others' true and lasting happiness. It is dedicated to growth and fulfillment.  Love is not selfish but sometimes fails for lack of wisdom or abundance of weakness, but it forgives, knowing the intentions are good.

Love does not attach conditions. Genuine love is always a free gift. It realizes and accepts that there will be disappointments and disturbing emotions. There may be times when miles lay between, but love is a commitment. It believes and endures things.

Love encourages freedom of self. Love shares positive and negative reactions to warm and cold feelings. Love, intimate love, will never reject others. It is the first to encourage and the last to condemn. Love is a commitment to growth, happiness and fulfillment of one another!

Now that you know what love is... do you feel it?

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