Monday, November 5, 2012

Small Mercies

One of my occupational hazard is burning the midnight oil. I did that yesterday, I slept really late trying to finish some design job that was due today. I had two school assignments too that were due today too!!!

Surprisingly, I didnt feel the burn-out yesterday coz I was under pressure to deliver soo much with really limited time! But today... Boy Oooh Boooy! I'm I burnt out!!! The fatigue has taken a toll on me and as I write this, I'm half awake and can barely see the screen. I slept at around 3am and woke up at 6.30am, so that gave me only 3hours of sleep!!! Wow! this realization has aggravate the fatigue tenfold! ;-( But then again, I made a promise to end this procrastination nonsense and take charge of my life! true or true? TRUE!

Where do I begin... SIGH!...

This is one of the longest day that I have in a while. There has been diesel fuel shortage here and I think the scarcity is an indication that the fuel prices are about to be hiked once more! NKTest! Nway, as I was dropping the girls to school this morning, the car started stalling. Oh yeah, the girls told me that the car was refusing to start. That's a hard start right there. As we drove to school, it kept soft stalling and was literally holding my breath as I say a silent prayer.

Just after dropping the girls, I hit the highway in anticipation to get to the nearest petrol station and fuel. Guess what? Yeah, guessed right... It completely stalled and refused to go! Right there at the junction of a busy road. I looked at the time and saw that I had one and a half hours to make it to town for my Monday morning negotiation class, which by the way, was a CAT day. Hubby's traveled out of the country and the nearest person to call was my taxi guy. God bless him, he was very helpful in conjunction with his partner. Anthony brought me diesel and after several attempts to jump-start the car, it finally did!

There I was in the morning traffic and had only 15minutes to be in class in time for the negotiation CAT. You know, in such circumstances that you wake up and such things happen first thing on a Monday morning, you just keep your cool, pray and hope for the best. Let's just say, I did my CAT, finished an assignment and finalized on the design work that also due. Ooh! I didn't even have time for lunch too! I have no idea where I got the energy from but I thank Almighty God for His small mercies.

No matter how the week or day begins, especially with mishaps, just be grateful for you don't know what God has shielded you from, would you have had it your way! And to this I say... Alhamdulilah!

Good night y'all... it's nine minutes to midnight! Oh NO! NOT AGAIN!...

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