Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dirty Picture

When in high school, it is usually compulsory to read and review literature books. Any literature addict would love the movie "The Dirty Picture". It is a great movie, an Indian one, with an excellent plot. I enjoyed it all through the 2 hours of it.

Now, for a literature student, this movie can make an excellent exam review as it touches on society, perceptions, attitudes, fame, the list is endless, depending on what angle you want to review it from. I watched it this afternoon and it gave me a perspective of life from Silk's - the main actress - world view. Especially when she went up on stage to receive her award. Her appreciation speech was 'speechless!' tihihi...

She's a wild spirit and whenever she talks, it gives you food for thought. I will keep updating this post with her punchlines that will leave you thinking...

The old dude, I cant remember his name, said this in regard to Silk's fame; 'No matter how high the popcorn goes... it always falls back in the pan.'

In her relations with Abraham, a proud and rigid film producer, who hated her with a passion, Silk said; 'For lack of a friend, an enemy will do.' And as their encounters went on... she murmured; 'Nothing can be worse than this Silk, even your enemy doesn't hate you anymore!'

Such above phrases are what was likely to be brought in literature exams questions and one is asked to analyze the movie in relation to any of the above phrases or further explain what your understanding was of that phrase.

Don't you just love literature? Go on... watch this movie and gimmie your sentiments ;-)

Ok, leggo...

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