Sunday, November 18, 2012

Timing & Age

I'm at a difficult stage and moment right now. It has everything to do with timing and age. Timing in the sense that, we are approaching the festive season and there is a lot of binging and invites left, right and center as friends and family indulge in merry making. Its a joyous moment around the world and its when most families go on holiday or go back to their motherland to bond with their beloved!

There will be lots of eating and most dieters throw caution to the wind and say, this indulgence just once wont hurt! Many a people have gained a lot of weight during this period only for them to start the weight reduction regime come new year, as part of their new year resolutions! Now, this is where the age comes in!

With age, losing weight becomes more difficult and one has to really watch what we eat. As you grow older, the rate at which we add weight to losing that added weight is veeeeeery small! minimal! slim! True or true? I wont lie, I am binging and gaining weight at a rate that I have stopped taking note of. ;-)  ...and being a sweet tooth isn't making things any easier! SIGH!!

I have to lose 15kgs by end of December! yet here I am adding weight! Talk about a reverse action! As I  said, its a difficult moment for me coz, its binging and partying time, where, someone of my age, puts on weight at a faster rate than I can say... "I'm watching my weight you know?"

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