Thursday, November 8, 2012

How Do I Look?

Anyone who watches the TV style show "How Do I Look?" would understand the pride and ignorance that those women go about their daily lives, emotionally hurting their loved ones, that they get to interact with on regular basis if not daily!

It is a great programme whose focus is to empower these women to be more confident of themselves, be socially presentable and able to focus and fully achieve that which has been their dreams for long. The women who are featured in this show are mostly those that dress inappropriately, not their age and just down right weird!

Today, there was a plus size 38-year-old African American woman who was so full of positive attitude and warm personality. She loves herself and she markets herself as sexy, disregarding her cellulite and sagging stomach. You can tell she ain't ashamed of her plus size with the way she carries herself.

She dresses in mostly in stretch fabric as she says, they accentuate her sexy curves, and she makes sure the clothes are short enough, as long she has covered the basics. She's an excellent hair weaver and cant find employment in beauty salons because of her presentation. Her clothes/attire that she puts on for interviews give a totally different opinion and outlook.

Having such an attitude in life, where you least care of what others think of you, as long as you are happy living, loving and accepting yourself, is one thing that very few people can pull off! We are guided by all this glitz and glamor in magazines, tv and celebrity worshiping.

That lady finally realized that you can just be as sexy if not more, when you are properly and appropriately dressed. It is usually humbling to watch these ladies being transformed to appreciate their beauty from inside through to outside. They step out again, this time fully transformed and ask again... "How Do I Look?" Being comfortable in your own skin and accepting yourself is the first step to self esteem. That is usually the hardest part, once you are through with that... everything easily falls into place!

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