Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Random Thoughts

Today I had random thoughts about my life and life in general. I didn't get to rest as much as I wanted but equally glad that I'm busy enough to shake that thought off. My random thoughts drove me to think about my rested angel in heaven. I had a good look at the photos that are on display in the living room and happy with my work. I have for a long time had a subconscious love for photography.

Looking at the shots, you will get to see the photos that I took are all in focus. Those who know about photography and design know what that means... Really nice shoots that captured the moment just the way I wanted it to be! But alas! I only wish that someone could have returned the favor and taken me equally good and in focus photos with my angel Mishi. If only you can turn back the clock? SIGH!!!

Those are moments that I regret not having more of, that captured my angel and I. Though I'm glad and grateful of the few that I was captured with her. Time is one thing that we take for granted not knowing that you can never get back! Once it's passed, that's it! You will have to make do with regrets of 'Why didn't I?' 

Life is a matter of being selfish enough to put yourself first. For as much as you think of the next person, they will never return that courtesy. Only a few are courteous and conscious enough to return the favor. I have learned the hard way, that if you ever want anything done to your satisfaction, say it! Do it over and over again until you get that perfect shot that you want. This is now possible thanks to the digital camera era where no worries about the Polaroid films being wasted.

All this depends on one's upbringing. I am trying to change that perception and mentality and have my children appreciate and always put themselves first above everyone else. This is most cases, works for you as an individual and immensely boosts your self esteem, which is a critical MUST in these modern times.

So remember this my dear friends... Live by the philosophy of "ME first!"... Kapish?

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