Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hall of Fame

I am soo high today... High on happiness! Ecstatic! Breathless and just wanna celebrate on and on! I have shared The Script and’s song “Hall of Fame” alongside another song by Fun “Some Nights” as I sang along till my voice became hoarse! ;-))))

For starters, it’s my mum’s birthday today, she turns 10! I hugged and kissed her. Said a prayer for her and wished her love, good health, long life, be God fearing, clever and wise enough to make the right decisions, wealth, prosperity and be surrounded with positive karma as she goes through her journey of life. Celebrating a milestone in life is blessed and humbling. Happy Birthday Niisha!

The other happy milestone moment that is being celebrated the world over, is our very own Barrack Hussein Obama, who has been re-elected to push the US of A forward another four years. My oh my, are we celebrating or what! You know in life... Never under estimate someone’s dream! It will come to haunt you big time! Obama had a dream, and he believed in it. And he had a great team that was with him throughout that dream journey! Now, that's what I'm talking about!

Obama sold HOPE! He’s a great orator, and Barry got plenty of buyers! Wuuuuhuuu! Now that congratulations are in order... BO or should I say Commander-in-Chief, it’s now time for you to deliver! United we stand and together we will forge forward! Because you my brother, have made it to the Hall of Fame!!! #Saluteataattention

"The best is yet to come but there's more work to be done!"
                                                                    - Barrack Obama

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