Friday, November 23, 2012


There is something about innocence that is just so amazing. It is so intriguing to the point that at times it hurts when you look back. It is only when you are looking at a particular scenario from an informed perspective that you get to fully appreciate that which is frequently said and noted, "Ignorance is bliss!"

As much as ignorance is bliss... the innocence that one has due to THAT ignorance, is usually a learning period that each one of us has to go through. That is what shapes us, our personality, perception and attitudes. How else would we have juicy rib cracking stories to share with our loved ones of the way 'we once upon a time did such and such a thing due to our stupid innocence and ignorance!'

Our innocence becomes a point of reference in our daily lives. The school of thought being, 'What you don't know, wont hurt you!' But as you grow older, you will get to realize that, with age, you gotta let go off the innocence in order to survive. It's a ruthless, cruel world out there, only the smart ones get to enjoy it. You outta shade off the innocence, overcome the ignorance and embrace an open mind that handles situations from an informed perspective! You have a right to enjoy life! Embrace it... Kapish?

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