Thursday, November 29, 2012


Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
    Always have an open mind and give opportunities a chance.
Even in negative situations, there's always a positive.

Life is beauty, admire it.
     There is always beauty around you. Use the gift of sight to
appreciate and admire it.

Life is a dream, realize it.
    Ain't we all dreamers? How great would it be to realize our dreams!

Life is a challenge, meet it.
    Without challenges, how far would you gauge your strength?

Life is a duty, complete it.
    Just as you perform duties to completion as you go about with
your daily routine, so is life!

Life is a game, play it.
    The beauty about a game is knowing the rules, play on.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.
     What is a promise if it can't be fulfilled?

Life is sorrow, overcome it.
     Its bound to happen at any point in time, its never permanent!

Life is a song, sing it.
     If music be the heart of life and food for the soul, sing on...

Life is a struggle, accept it.
     Without a struggle, you can never accept your fate!

Life is a tragedy, confront it.
    Facing fear is overcoming your worst nightmare!

Life is an adventure, dare it.
     The thrill of an adventure is in the dare...

Life is luck, make it.
    We all pray for good luck, keep the faith and make it happen!

Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
     That which is cherished and valued, is protected.

Life is life, fight for it.
    When nurtured, its always a blessing to be alive!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Embrace Life as Art

Most things are forgotten over time. This is so because, as we go on with our daily lives, we are caught up in new events everyday that the past slowly fades off. It fades off faster if no one keeps reminding you of it, and if one does so, then you look at the same issue with fresher and experienced eyes.

As much as you look back with experienced eyes, there are just so many emotions that run through your mind that you know very well, those memories can never be rubbed off your mind, they will forever remain with us. 

As a creative person, I always look for art around me. Art has become part of my life. To me, life is pure adventure, full of art! I can learn a lot from anyone and anything, all you have to do is look and listen. It's right there in front of you.

Someone could just need a warm friendly hug, a word of encouragement, a congrats pat on the back, or reach out to someone in whatever way the opportunity manifests itself, but you can make a huge difference when you do something with an open heart! 

Nature in itself to is quite inspirational. Getting in tune with nature around you is so calming and therapeutic! The sooner we realize to embrace life as an art, the easier our lives would be with a calm mind, body and soul!   

Friday, November 23, 2012


There is something about innocence that is just so amazing. It is so intriguing to the point that at times it hurts when you look back. It is only when you are looking at a particular scenario from an informed perspective that you get to fully appreciate that which is frequently said and noted, "Ignorance is bliss!"

As much as ignorance is bliss... the innocence that one has due to THAT ignorance, is usually a learning period that each one of us has to go through. That is what shapes us, our personality, perception and attitudes. How else would we have juicy rib cracking stories to share with our loved ones of the way 'we once upon a time did such and such a thing due to our stupid innocence and ignorance!'

Our innocence becomes a point of reference in our daily lives. The school of thought being, 'What you don't know, wont hurt you!' But as you grow older, you will get to realize that, with age, you gotta let go off the innocence in order to survive. It's a ruthless, cruel world out there, only the smart ones get to enjoy it. You outta shade off the innocence, overcome the ignorance and embrace an open mind that handles situations from an informed perspective! You have a right to enjoy life! Embrace it... Kapish?


My hubby and I both lead a relatively busy life in terms of our professions. He is a communications and public relations person while I, a design creative and marketer. It is commonly known that, its our career choices, that dictate the amount of spare time we get to have for ourselves, our loved ones and to a great extend, our social lives.

As a woman, wife and mother, there are sacrifices that I have to make such that my household, family and pride does not suffer because of our busy schedules and career lives. I make sure that everything is running smoothly courtesy of telecommunications! Thank God for the invention of the mobile phones for they have made communication simple, effective and less stressful of worries and what if that we go through in our daily occurrences.

In most instances, it’s I who gets to check and help the children with their homework. Drop and pick them from school though occasionally the dad does the same. Every evening as we have dinner as a family (that is if he makes it home before the girls' bed time), we get to bond and share our day’s happenings. Thereafter, we sit and cuddle at the sofa as we watch tv. It is during such moments that we each feel a sense of security, each in our silent bond code that is quiet relaxing.

I am grateful, humbled and cherish the security that my best friend, lover, father of my children and husband has provided for us. Winters Shelley said it best, “Security is when I'm very much in love with somebody whose extra-ordinary and who loves me back.”

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Timing & Age

I'm at a difficult stage and moment right now. It has everything to do with timing and age. Timing in the sense that, we are approaching the festive season and there is a lot of binging and invites left, right and center as friends and family indulge in merry making. Its a joyous moment around the world and its when most families go on holiday or go back to their motherland to bond with their beloved!

There will be lots of eating and most dieters throw caution to the wind and say, this indulgence just once wont hurt! Many a people have gained a lot of weight during this period only for them to start the weight reduction regime come new year, as part of their new year resolutions! Now, this is where the age comes in!

With age, losing weight becomes more difficult and one has to really watch what we eat. As you grow older, the rate at which we add weight to losing that added weight is veeeeeery small! minimal! slim! True or true? I wont lie, I am binging and gaining weight at a rate that I have stopped taking note of. ;-)  ...and being a sweet tooth isn't making things any easier! SIGH!!

I have to lose 15kgs by end of December! yet here I am adding weight! Talk about a reverse action! As I  said, its a difficult moment for me coz, its binging and partying time, where, someone of my age, puts on weight at a faster rate than I can say... "I'm watching my weight you know?"

True or True?

The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets
The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears and
The kindest hearts have felt the most pain!

True or true? TRUE!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Self Discovery

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.”
― Maya Angelou

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Once... is Just Enough!

You are either an optimist or pessimist. Wherever you fall, there are critical decisions that you have to make as an individual. You get to weigh your pros and cons and may go even further to consult on a professional basis or get a second or third opinion on the matter.

Once you have lived long enough and made your mistakes along the way, you get to realize one very important thing... There are times when there is no room for regrets...  for "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough!"

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Keeping the Faith

Through our hearts, God hears more than we can say. He answers more than we ask and He gives more than we desire! Deepest from my heart, I ask God to always be there for me and you too, to grant you all the desires of your heart! Keep the faith...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Letting Go...

Every once or more often, we have all faced the critical and most difficult decision of letting go. Holding on to something that you know will only cause you more grief and pain, is usually the hardest. But hey!... your only human and you have emotions. Many a times I have been faced with these instances, where hard choices have to be made, and the major culprit is a loved one.

Losing a loved one is usually the hardest and letting go, even harder. The memories of the lost loved one, be it a parent, especially your mum or dad, your child, your sibling, aunty, uncle, cousin, grandparent, a best friend, a dear friend or a pet, usually evoke emotions that bring tears to your eyes. And as days go by, it turns to weeks, then months and it gets to years, the pain eases as time comes to pass. It is very true what is said that "Time is the best healer!" What remains and most logic thing to do is, to "Celebrating their lives. With this, you keep their memory alive, spread the love and finally be at peace with your heart and God!"

In whatever circumstance you are in, I came across these phrases that could help you understand and try to ease the letting go process, thereby getting and letting you live your life to full potential...

Letting go is...

“The day I understood everything, was the day I stopped trying to figure everything out. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go.”
                                                                         ― C. JoyBell C.

“Know that everything is in perfect order whether you understand it or not.”
                                                                         ― Valery Satterwhite

“I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward”
                                                                         ― Fridtjof Nansen

“Today expect something good to happen to you no matter what occurred yesterday. Realize the past no longer holds you captive. It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it. Let the past go. A simply abundant world awaits. (January 11)”
― Sarah Breathnach, Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy

Friday, November 9, 2012


T. G. I. F.... Have a super duper day y'all!

D-evotion to
M-ake us
O-bedient and loving
R-eady for a
N-ew day
I-nspire others and
N-ever forget
G-od loves YOU!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

How Do I Look?

Anyone who watches the TV style show "How Do I Look?" would understand the pride and ignorance that those women go about their daily lives, emotionally hurting their loved ones, that they get to interact with on regular basis if not daily!

It is a great programme whose focus is to empower these women to be more confident of themselves, be socially presentable and able to focus and fully achieve that which has been their dreams for long. The women who are featured in this show are mostly those that dress inappropriately, not their age and just down right weird!

Today, there was a plus size 38-year-old African American woman who was so full of positive attitude and warm personality. She loves herself and she markets herself as sexy, disregarding her cellulite and sagging stomach. You can tell she ain't ashamed of her plus size with the way she carries herself.

She dresses in mostly in stretch fabric as she says, they accentuate her sexy curves, and she makes sure the clothes are short enough, as long she has covered the basics. She's an excellent hair weaver and cant find employment in beauty salons because of her presentation. Her clothes/attire that she puts on for interviews give a totally different opinion and outlook.

Having such an attitude in life, where you least care of what others think of you, as long as you are happy living, loving and accepting yourself, is one thing that very few people can pull off! We are guided by all this glitz and glamor in magazines, tv and celebrity worshiping.

That lady finally realized that you can just be as sexy if not more, when you are properly and appropriately dressed. It is usually humbling to watch these ladies being transformed to appreciate their beauty from inside through to outside. They step out again, this time fully transformed and ask again... "How Do I Look?" Being comfortable in your own skin and accepting yourself is the first step to self esteem. That is usually the hardest part, once you are through with that... everything easily falls into place!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hall of Fame

I am soo high today... High on happiness! Ecstatic! Breathless and just wanna celebrate on and on! I have shared The Script and’s song “Hall of Fame” alongside another song by Fun “Some Nights” as I sang along till my voice became hoarse! ;-))))

For starters, it’s my mum’s birthday today, she turns 10! I hugged and kissed her. Said a prayer for her and wished her love, good health, long life, be God fearing, clever and wise enough to make the right decisions, wealth, prosperity and be surrounded with positive karma as she goes through her journey of life. Celebrating a milestone in life is blessed and humbling. Happy Birthday Niisha!

The other happy milestone moment that is being celebrated the world over, is our very own Barrack Hussein Obama, who has been re-elected to push the US of A forward another four years. My oh my, are we celebrating or what! You know in life... Never under estimate someone’s dream! It will come to haunt you big time! Obama had a dream, and he believed in it. And he had a great team that was with him throughout that dream journey! Now, that's what I'm talking about!

Obama sold HOPE! He’s a great orator, and Barry got plenty of buyers! Wuuuuhuuu! Now that congratulations are in order... BO or should I say Commander-in-Chief, it’s now time for you to deliver! United we stand and together we will forge forward! Because you my brother, have made it to the Hall of Fame!!! #Saluteataattention

"The best is yet to come but there's more work to be done!"
                                                                    - Barrack Obama

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Random Thoughts

Today I had random thoughts about my life and life in general. I didn't get to rest as much as I wanted but equally glad that I'm busy enough to shake that thought off. My random thoughts drove me to think about my rested angel in heaven. I had a good look at the photos that are on display in the living room and happy with my work. I have for a long time had a subconscious love for photography.

Looking at the shots, you will get to see the photos that I took are all in focus. Those who know about photography and design know what that means... Really nice shoots that captured the moment just the way I wanted it to be! But alas! I only wish that someone could have returned the favor and taken me equally good and in focus photos with my angel Mishi. If only you can turn back the clock? SIGH!!!

Those are moments that I regret not having more of, that captured my angel and I. Though I'm glad and grateful of the few that I was captured with her. Time is one thing that we take for granted not knowing that you can never get back! Once it's passed, that's it! You will have to make do with regrets of 'Why didn't I?' 

Life is a matter of being selfish enough to put yourself first. For as much as you think of the next person, they will never return that courtesy. Only a few are courteous and conscious enough to return the favor. I have learned the hard way, that if you ever want anything done to your satisfaction, say it! Do it over and over again until you get that perfect shot that you want. This is now possible thanks to the digital camera era where no worries about the Polaroid films being wasted.

All this depends on one's upbringing. I am trying to change that perception and mentality and have my children appreciate and always put themselves first above everyone else. This is most cases, works for you as an individual and immensely boosts your self esteem, which is a critical MUST in these modern times.

So remember this my dear friends... Live by the philosophy of "ME first!"... Kapish?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Small Mercies

One of my occupational hazard is burning the midnight oil. I did that yesterday, I slept really late trying to finish some design job that was due today. I had two school assignments too that were due today too!!!

Surprisingly, I didnt feel the burn-out yesterday coz I was under pressure to deliver soo much with really limited time! But today... Boy Oooh Boooy! I'm I burnt out!!! The fatigue has taken a toll on me and as I write this, I'm half awake and can barely see the screen. I slept at around 3am and woke up at 6.30am, so that gave me only 3hours of sleep!!! Wow! this realization has aggravate the fatigue tenfold! ;-( But then again, I made a promise to end this procrastination nonsense and take charge of my life! true or true? TRUE!

Where do I begin... SIGH!...

This is one of the longest day that I have in a while. There has been diesel fuel shortage here and I think the scarcity is an indication that the fuel prices are about to be hiked once more! NKTest! Nway, as I was dropping the girls to school this morning, the car started stalling. Oh yeah, the girls told me that the car was refusing to start. That's a hard start right there. As we drove to school, it kept soft stalling and was literally holding my breath as I say a silent prayer.

Just after dropping the girls, I hit the highway in anticipation to get to the nearest petrol station and fuel. Guess what? Yeah, guessed right... It completely stalled and refused to go! Right there at the junction of a busy road. I looked at the time and saw that I had one and a half hours to make it to town for my Monday morning negotiation class, which by the way, was a CAT day. Hubby's traveled out of the country and the nearest person to call was my taxi guy. God bless him, he was very helpful in conjunction with his partner. Anthony brought me diesel and after several attempts to jump-start the car, it finally did!

There I was in the morning traffic and had only 15minutes to be in class in time for the negotiation CAT. You know, in such circumstances that you wake up and such things happen first thing on a Monday morning, you just keep your cool, pray and hope for the best. Let's just say, I did my CAT, finished an assignment and finalized on the design work that also due. Ooh! I didn't even have time for lunch too! I have no idea where I got the energy from but I thank Almighty God for His small mercies.

No matter how the week or day begins, especially with mishaps, just be grateful for you don't know what God has shielded you from, would you have had it your way! And to this I say... Alhamdulilah!

Good night y'all... it's nine minutes to midnight! Oh NO! NOT AGAIN!...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dirty Picture

When in high school, it is usually compulsory to read and review literature books. Any literature addict would love the movie "The Dirty Picture". It is a great movie, an Indian one, with an excellent plot. I enjoyed it all through the 2 hours of it.

Now, for a literature student, this movie can make an excellent exam review as it touches on society, perceptions, attitudes, fame, the list is endless, depending on what angle you want to review it from. I watched it this afternoon and it gave me a perspective of life from Silk's - the main actress - world view. Especially when she went up on stage to receive her award. Her appreciation speech was 'speechless!' tihihi...

She's a wild spirit and whenever she talks, it gives you food for thought. I will keep updating this post with her punchlines that will leave you thinking...

The old dude, I cant remember his name, said this in regard to Silk's fame; 'No matter how high the popcorn goes... it always falls back in the pan.'

In her relations with Abraham, a proud and rigid film producer, who hated her with a passion, Silk said; 'For lack of a friend, an enemy will do.' And as their encounters went on... she murmured; 'Nothing can be worse than this Silk, even your enemy doesn't hate you anymore!'

Such above phrases are what was likely to be brought in literature exams questions and one is asked to analyze the movie in relation to any of the above phrases or further explain what your understanding was of that phrase.

Don't you just love literature? Go on... watch this movie and gimmie your sentiments ;-)

Ok, leggo...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What is Love?

Satisfaction and ultimate fulfillment are by-products of dedicated love. They belong only to those who can reach beyond themselves, to whom giving is more important than receiving. Love is doing everything you can to help others build whatever needs to be done, and saving whatever will promote the other's happiness, security and well-being. Sometimes love hurts. And HURT! it does...

Love is on a constant journey to what others need. It is kind, beautiful and must be attentive, caring and open to both. To what others say and to what others cannot say. Love says no with empathy and great compassion. Love is firm but when needed it must be tender. When others have tried and failed, love is the hand in yours, in your moments of discouragement and disappointment.

Love is reliable. It is a choice  and commitment to others' true and lasting happiness. It is dedicated to growth and fulfillment.  Love is not selfish but sometimes fails for lack of wisdom or abundance of weakness, but it forgives, knowing the intentions are good.

Love does not attach conditions. Genuine love is always a free gift. It realizes and accepts that there will be disappointments and disturbing emotions. There may be times when miles lay between, but love is a commitment. It believes and endures things.

Love encourages freedom of self. Love shares positive and negative reactions to warm and cold feelings. Love, intimate love, will never reject others. It is the first to encourage and the last to condemn. Love is a commitment to growth, happiness and fulfillment of one another!

Now that you know what love is... do you feel it?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Stupid Ignorance

The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end!
                                                             - Disraeli Benjamin

Just like every FIRST we get to experience in our lives, nothing beats that of a first love! SIGH!!!... And I couldn't put it better than Schneider Bob when he said, "Love is when two people who care for each other get confused!"

Everyone in their lifetime has on more than a couple of times experienced this confusion, stupidity and ignorance that drags along as we go about our daily lives, in the name of 'being in love!' The first love being the notorious culprit! I always chuckle as I remember mine. Going down memory lane always has me smiling sheepishly with nostalgia.

What about you? ;-)