Sunday, December 16, 2012

Useless? "Not anymore!"

"You are useless!" These words keep ringing in my mind whenever the voter registration awareness campaigns are being broadcasted either on television, radio or mobile sms. This is what our President Emilio said we are, those of us who haven't yet registered to vote come March 2013 in the county's general elections. Funny yeah? :-)

So, in the spirit of being patriotic and respect for authority, I traveled home to my native town down coast to register as a voter. I didn't want to be labeled useless anymore but rather a useful citizen who wants to take charge of her future. Just as the IEBC tagline goes, Your Vote, Your Future!

I could register here at the capital city but I want to make a difference in my home town because I want to make a difference. I owe it to the future generations a credible leader. One who understands what we crucially need to boost our community's general well being without malicious personal motives and gains that come with power and greed.

Even though I come from coast where there are many economic opportunities and wealth, the locals are the major disadvantaged lot and left out in the economic cake sharing. It is indeed a sad and demoralizing situation. I want to make a difference in the leadership of this country and the destiny of my future depends on my vote.

"Kura yangu ni maisha yangu nitakayo siku za usoni!" My Vote, My Future!

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