Sunday, December 16, 2012

Road Trip

Being behind the wheels driving deprives one the optical pleasure of seeing and appreciating the scenery that you get to drive through. This time as I was going home to register as a voter, I opted to go by road and not fly. The difference of the two is that by road its an eight-hour road trip while by air is a 45 minute flight i.e just under an hour!

I wanted to enjoy the scenery and get to see how the road upgrades have been implemented. Going at a snail's pace as the long distance luxury bus left down town through the building traffic in town, I got to see how the 'City in the Sun' has progressed.

The sight is encouraging when compared to what it was a few years back. The advertising creativity on billboards demonstrates that competition is present and survival is crucial. Once we hit the highway to coast, the scenery kept changing and I had a relaxing long drive to coast. 

Quite a deserved break from being behind the driver's seat, eyes fixed on the road and other cars as the traffic flows. Your eyes need to be glued on the road least there be a 'road maniac' alert! One never knows when the 'maniac' will strike!

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