Saturday, December 1, 2012


The amazing thing with growing up is in the adventure that you get to experience with every waking day. As a kid, you look forward to continue from where you left off yesterday with your friends, especially if you guys had made a pact to that effect.

Seeing my kids all excited and upbeat about a (coming) day's event, makes me remember my childhood with nostalgia. Their talk is punctuated with animated gestures, laughter and sometimes frowns especially if one of them is not 'getting it'.

Now, that's when their talk takes on another level. They now start to argue and forcefully convince the 'not with it' or 'not getting it'. When you as a parent get to step in and ask what the noise is all about as you try to arbitrate, you are told "Its thingymabob!"

Huh? my sentiments exactly! Huh? So this thingymabob... what exactly is THINGYMABOB??! Its this thingy that, uuh... I don't know. Just thingymabob!

Lemmie get deeper into this thingymabob issue, brb!

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