Thursday, December 6, 2012

Taken For Granted

In all honesty, I have never understood this. It is said that "You should never feel bad if people remember you only when they need you. Feel privileged that you are like a candle that comes to their mind when there is darkness."

I'm feeling bad that people are misusing my generosity and kindness. Why do I say this? It's because this is now becoming rather frequent. On a weekly basis I would get calls, NO! flash calls wanting me to call back. I am lucky if the person calling uses their own credit, coz this shows consideration of, its your problem, hence your credit.

Once I do return the call(s), the language is usually the same, taking on a sympathy, troubled and desperate tone. I listen attentively with empathy and give feedback on the extend to which I can help. As much as I feel empathetic, the satisfaction comes when you help out and get a simple thank you and show of gratitude for the extended helping hand.

What is demoralizing is the fact that some of them don't even appreciate the help I give them. They act as they they deserve that from me! A simple "Thank you" is difficult to say! ...seriously???

My issue with this whole scenario is the fact that they have set this relationship with you for only calling you when things are thick! They never! I mean NEVER! think of you when they are having any positive celebratory event! You would think that the fact that they keep calling you in times of need, they would remember you in times of celebrations. But NOOOOOO!!!! SIGH!

Shock on me, thinking that 'we' could have a mutual relationship of "Kwa shida na raha". As in show some compassion of, for better or worse, we are together as a team. Nitie mwenzio imani.  Nasikitika sana! There's a swahili saying that goes, "Tenda wema uende zako, usingoje shukrani kwa mwanadamu. Hesabu yako iko kwa Mola."

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