Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Shamballa Craze

When adorned on the wrists, it stands out as a powerful and stunning beauty statement with a touch of hippy bohemian hip hop style. The more they are and the more colourful, the better. They come in different designs and styles just as the wearers are.

My daughters have this craze about these shamballa bracelets. They adorn them with so much pride and confidence. You should see them, the excitement. They say its swag! ;-) To them, its a fashion statement. Their first exposure to them was two years ago when I brought them fancy shamballa bracelets from South Africa that each spelt out their names.

Being a design creative, I recently purchased a few colourful and stylish shamballas for them. Boy were they excited! My mum felt bad and actually shed tears coz I hadn't considered her and her younger sister when I was buying them. This was so because I couldn't find any in their sizes. :-|  Pole mum.

Of all my children, it's my mum who loves jewellery. She really knows how to accessorize. She's been a fashionista since the age two when she started to chose her own wardrobe and dress herself. It has made me feel so bad. I will compensate her sooner than later!

As a parent, its great to see your children enjoy their childhood years in whatever is positive, boosting their confidence, enhancing their creativity and whatever makes them happy, with proper parental guidance and nudging of course. I thank God everyday. Alhamdulillah!

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