Sunday, December 16, 2012

Political Games

Everyone is happy and proud to have finally registered to vote, if all the facebook status updates is anything to go by.  With my voting card in hand, let us now enjoy the presidential campaign trails and other elective positions as well. There is usually a lot of name-calling, mud-slinging and dirty politics being the order of the day till election date.

This time round, we will be ushering a new president under a new constitution where we will have county governance. Hope this will work out well as there are very many issues that need to be addressed at that level to realise county developmental projects.

It will be as amusing and comical as any comedy show is bound to keep its audiences entertained, these political campaigns. But despite all that, we will weigh each candidate's manifesto and have to elect wisely. With that said, let the political games begin...

Road Trip

Being behind the wheels driving deprives one the optical pleasure of seeing and appreciating the scenery that you get to drive through. This time as I was going home to register as a voter, I opted to go by road and not fly. The difference of the two is that by road its an eight-hour road trip while by air is a 45 minute flight i.e just under an hour!

I wanted to enjoy the scenery and get to see how the road upgrades have been implemented. Going at a snail's pace as the long distance luxury bus left down town through the building traffic in town, I got to see how the 'City in the Sun' has progressed.

The sight is encouraging when compared to what it was a few years back. The advertising creativity on billboards demonstrates that competition is present and survival is crucial. Once we hit the highway to coast, the scenery kept changing and I had a relaxing long drive to coast. 

Quite a deserved break from being behind the driver's seat, eyes fixed on the road and other cars as the traffic flows. Your eyes need to be glued on the road least there be a 'road maniac' alert! One never knows when the 'maniac' will strike!

Useless? "Not anymore!"

"You are useless!" These words keep ringing in my mind whenever the voter registration awareness campaigns are being broadcasted either on television, radio or mobile sms. This is what our President Emilio said we are, those of us who haven't yet registered to vote come March 2013 in the county's general elections. Funny yeah? :-)

So, in the spirit of being patriotic and respect for authority, I traveled home to my native town down coast to register as a voter. I didn't want to be labeled useless anymore but rather a useful citizen who wants to take charge of her future. Just as the IEBC tagline goes, Your Vote, Your Future!

I could register here at the capital city but I want to make a difference in my home town because I want to make a difference. I owe it to the future generations a credible leader. One who understands what we crucially need to boost our community's general well being without malicious personal motives and gains that come with power and greed.

Even though I come from coast where there are many economic opportunities and wealth, the locals are the major disadvantaged lot and left out in the economic cake sharing. It is indeed a sad and demoralizing situation. I want to make a difference in the leadership of this country and the destiny of my future depends on my vote.

"Kura yangu ni maisha yangu nitakayo siku za usoni!" My Vote, My Future!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Not wanting to be left out on this once in a lifetime occurrence of 12.12.12, I am grateful and humbled to have seen and celebrated this auspicious day. As the swahili saying goes, "Siku njema huonekana asubuhi," and as the day progresses, it is indeed a good day. Bright, joyous and sunny.

My kids are having a swimming blast outside at the pool. We will go out later in the afternoon to see and join other citizens in celebrating our independence today and also the significant date. It is now 49 years since we gained independence to self rule. A milestone right there!

As we all in the world celebrate this day, remember us in your prayers and toss a glass of your favourite drink to freedom, peace and unity ! May God grant us good health, opportunities and a prosperous long life! Cheers!... and Happy Jamhuri Day!

"Wooohuuuu....!" Google too has recognized us! Thanks Google! B-)


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Shamballa Craze

When adorned on the wrists, it stands out as a powerful and stunning beauty statement with a touch of hippy bohemian hip hop style. The more they are and the more colourful, the better. They come in different designs and styles just as the wearers are.

My daughters have this craze about these shamballa bracelets. They adorn them with so much pride and confidence. You should see them, the excitement. They say its swag! ;-) To them, its a fashion statement. Their first exposure to them was two years ago when I brought them fancy shamballa bracelets from South Africa that each spelt out their names.

Being a design creative, I recently purchased a few colourful and stylish shamballas for them. Boy were they excited! My mum felt bad and actually shed tears coz I hadn't considered her and her younger sister when I was buying them. This was so because I couldn't find any in their sizes. :-|  Pole mum.

Of all my children, it's my mum who loves jewellery. She really knows how to accessorize. She's been a fashionista since the age two when she started to chose her own wardrobe and dress herself. It has made me feel so bad. I will compensate her sooner than later!

As a parent, its great to see your children enjoy their childhood years in whatever is positive, boosting their confidence, enhancing their creativity and whatever makes them happy, with proper parental guidance and nudging of course. I thank God everyday. Alhamdulillah!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A First in the Family

My paternal grandma (my dad's mother) - may God rest her soul in eternal peace - had the highest multiple twins births in the family. She had four sets of twins but as it were God's will, they were unfortunate to have never celebrated their first birthday. All four sets! Quite sad. In the olden days, twins never lived for long coz first they were born premature and the other was the complications that accompany premature babies due to not developing in the womb to full term. In total she gave birth to 11 children but only three got to survive to adulthood.

I too got to have the opportunity of giving birth to twins but as was God's will, I lost my angel, one of the twins to brain stem cancer, when she was eight months and two days. My first cousin whose also my namesake - named after my paternal grandma, she who had the four sets of twins - last week gave birth to triplets! Oooh yeah! Cool, right? This was her third pregnancy and God blessed her with triplets!

I have always admired triple birth milestones and wished God grant me that too. Not only triplets but three healthy, intelligent and beautiful baby boys! I know... :-) Inshallah Ameen! Yote ni majaliwa yake Mola. I have dreamt of them so often that hearing God has blessed my namesake with them. I know He has me in His plans, he he he... wishful thinking eeh?

I am so happy for her and was overwhelmed with joy when she called me to break the good news. We do not have any history of triplets, not our paternal lineage nor her maternal side. This is the first in the family. Everyone was surprised and equally happy for her. She gave birth to two daughters and a son.

Just as most multiple births never get to reach full term in the womb, my namesake's triplets came preterm. They were just twenty-four weeks when they were born. Had she gone full-term, she woulda been due in March next year. Just as fate would have it, one of the triplets, the last one out, didn't manage to survive outside her mother's womb. It was God's will that she got to live for only five days! May God rest the Angel's soul in eternal peace, right there by His side. Amen.

It ain't easy to raise multiple birth babies, I know coz I have twins. I pray that God grants the excited and somehow overwhelmed parents long life, patience, humility and joy as they raise their bundle of joys and get to experience their milestones. I pray too the babies grow to be God fearing, bright and healthy children to maturity.

Raising multiple birth babies is quite challenging in all aspects, mostly on finances. This is so, because, whatever you are able to do for one, the expense multiplies to the number of babies. Twins is times two, triplets is times three! Now, in such an instance, the whole community gets to chip in whatever they can help in. Be it food, clothes, milk, diapers, baby-sitting, house chores, etc, the list is endless!

My namesake's recent milestone and occurrence, being the first in the family, will be the highlight of all the happenings of this year now that we are approaching the end of 2012. As we all celebrate the good tidings of this year not forgetting the misfortunes, let us all unite in prayer for a better, healthier and prosperous coming year. May God's mercies, blessings and fortunes be with us and may He too answer our prayers as we are getting ready to usher in 2013. Inshallah Ameen!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Taken For Granted

In all honesty, I have never understood this. It is said that "You should never feel bad if people remember you only when they need you. Feel privileged that you are like a candle that comes to their mind when there is darkness."

I'm feeling bad that people are misusing my generosity and kindness. Why do I say this? It's because this is now becoming rather frequent. On a weekly basis I would get calls, NO! flash calls wanting me to call back. I am lucky if the person calling uses their own credit, coz this shows consideration of, its your problem, hence your credit.

Once I do return the call(s), the language is usually the same, taking on a sympathy, troubled and desperate tone. I listen attentively with empathy and give feedback on the extend to which I can help. As much as I feel empathetic, the satisfaction comes when you help out and get a simple thank you and show of gratitude for the extended helping hand.

What is demoralizing is the fact that some of them don't even appreciate the help I give them. They act as they they deserve that from me! A simple "Thank you" is difficult to say! ...seriously???

My issue with this whole scenario is the fact that they have set this relationship with you for only calling you when things are thick! They never! I mean NEVER! think of you when they are having any positive celebratory event! You would think that the fact that they keep calling you in times of need, they would remember you in times of celebrations. But NOOOOOO!!!! SIGH!

Shock on me, thinking that 'we' could have a mutual relationship of "Kwa shida na raha". As in show some compassion of, for better or worse, we are together as a team. Nitie mwenzio imani.  Nasikitika sana! There's a swahili saying that goes, "Tenda wema uende zako, usingoje shukrani kwa mwanadamu. Hesabu yako iko kwa Mola."

Monday, December 3, 2012

My Prayer

The baby of the house recently graduated from pre-unit to join standard one of primary school next year. She has been so excited about the whole affair and equally, she's finally joining her sisters at their school.

Any parents' prayer is to wish their children the best in life, and I as one, wish my baby to achieve the highest of her hopes and dreams. May the windows of her opportunities take her to the most special places her heart has ever known and may she enjoy what life has to offer and never lose that smile and laughter she's always had. 

Let it be a constant reminder to her that champions are made from something they have deep inside them, a desire, a vision, a dream! Champions have that last minute stamina, they not only have to have skill and the will but the WILL must be STRONGER than the skill!

M'ma, as you begin your 8-4-4, I wish you all the best life has to offer. Not only you but your sisters as well. May you all my sweethearts prosper beyond your dreams. May Allah guide you all and have you in His favor! Never forgetting your parents and who you are, where you came from, putting God first in everything you do, be there for each other and most importantly... be humble enough to be true to yourselves! Inshallah Ameen!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

One Day at a Time!

"Mummy its a word we use to describe something that is indescribable!" Huh? "Yeah... you know like when you really want to describe this thingy till you are at a loss for words??".. Uuuum... I... guess so.

"Just don’t beat yoself mum, its just thingymabob!" I am told with this with puzzled puppy dog eyes and assured in some form of ‘no worries’ attitude. That’s kids for you. I love their world, their interactive communication ideas and their perception of the world.

It takes little effort to please them as long as you know what to do at the right time, “Hakuna Matata!” As they enter into teenage-hood, their priorities change, so does their worldview and how they communicate.

It’s a humbling experience and I’m enjoying and learning, one day at a time!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


The amazing thing with growing up is in the adventure that you get to experience with every waking day. As a kid, you look forward to continue from where you left off yesterday with your friends, especially if you guys had made a pact to that effect.

Seeing my kids all excited and upbeat about a (coming) day's event, makes me remember my childhood with nostalgia. Their talk is punctuated with animated gestures, laughter and sometimes frowns especially if one of them is not 'getting it'.

Now, that's when their talk takes on another level. They now start to argue and forcefully convince the 'not with it' or 'not getting it'. When you as a parent get to step in and ask what the noise is all about as you try to arbitrate, you are told "Its thingymabob!"

Huh? my sentiments exactly! Huh? So this thingymabob... what exactly is THINGYMABOB??! Its this thingy that, uuh... I don't know. Just thingymabob!

Lemmie get deeper into this thingymabob issue, brb!