Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This Day!

Today is indeed a special day that which cannot go without mention for it is the first of November, twenty eleven, i.e 1/11/11. Throughout the world numerous occurrences are being noted  for future reference on how this historic day was marked. Not wanting to be left behind, I found time to blog despite being extremely beat after a hectic day!

I must say it was an interesting day because I had like three assignments that needed my immediate attention and still found time to hook up with a special friend after a five-year absence. I didn't believe it myself and hadn't imagined that time can fly that fast! We parted ways after tossing our glasses to '...a new beginning!'

Speaking of new beginnings, yesterday, Monday 30th October 2011, marked the birth of 7th Billion person in the world! Imagine that! 7th Billion! Something huhm?!

Wishing y'all a remarkable and memorable 1/11/11!

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