Friday, November 11, 2011


Taking a break on the continuation of my grieving and healing journey, today I equally want to blog about this special date. The world wide web and whole world at large is a buzz with this particular Friday. Many people across the board, of all races and colour are marking it with celebrations, rituals and whatever cultic way of making this day memorable! down to the exact time at 11.11am/pm!

The ones celebrating their birthdays today are the who carry the day especially those being born today. I bet there are many expectant mothers who planned or are forced to change their EDD and are having c-sections going down this day! just so that the children are born... you guessed it... today, the eleventh of the eleventh month of the year twenty eleven! i.e 11/11/11. How cool will that be... HUH!

Whatever way you mark this day, it's my prayer that it is memorable and not regrettable! Wishing y'all a remarkable Friday the 11/11/11.

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