This thing called Emotion. So simple a word yet so complicated. Anyone can tell at a first glance, what your
emotions are even before you open your mouth. 'Sigh!' It manifests itself mostly from the facial expression(s). Emotions controls our thinking,
behavior and actions. It affect our physical bodies.
Extensive research has been done and proven that there are only two basic emotions that we all experience, love and fear.
All other emotions are variations of these two emotions. Heh! nakuambia! Thoughts and behavior
come from either a place of love, or a place of fear. Emotions such as joy,
happiness, caring, trust, compassion, truth, contentment and satisfaction, are
love-based emotions. Anxiety, anger, control, sadness, depression, inadequacy,
confusion, hurt, lonely, guilt and shame are all fear-based emotions.
One cannot change or control their emotions but can learn how to live
peacefully with them, release them and manage them, but one cannot control
them. "You can say THAT again!" When we have an experience that we find painful or difficult, and are
either unable to cope with the pain, or just afraid of it, we often dismiss
this emotion and either get busy, exercise more, drink or eat a bit more, or
just pretend it has not happened. Here, I am
as guilty as charged!
When we do this we do not feel the emotion and this results in what is
called repressed, suppressed or buried emotions. Many a times I have suppressed emotions. It has been an excellent way for me to deal with my 'issues' that are beyond me. Kumbe these feelings stay in our
muscles, ligaments, stomach, midriff, you name it. These emotions remain buried
within us until something, especially a glance, triggers it! thus releasing that
emotion, all over again! "SIGH!"