Friday, April 12, 2013

If music be food for the soul, then play on...

OMG! I have just had a light bulb moment! Like daaah! I knew that but... I really, as in really love music. To me, it is very calming depending on the genre. I don't discriminate on the genre, so long as the beats, lyrics and voice(s) is/are great. When a hear a song and I like the flow, I will repeat it over and over again until the next best song comes along! ;-)))) That's me.

It's THAT kind of love for music that has made my babies love music too and be able to do an almost perfect rendition of the same. The repeat mode. We listen to the music over and over again until we master the lyrics, beat and really own the song! *light bulb moment*

Now, that is as far as I go. As I had indicated in an earlier post, as much as I love music, I don't possess the sweet melodic voice to release a similar rendition to the original song. Yap! I murder songs... tihihi  ;-)))) ...but none of my babies.

My obsession with one song and having it on repeat mode habit has caught on with the girls. They too, when they hear a trending song or one that they fancy, have it on repeat mode until the next best song comes along.

If music be food for the soul, play on...

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