Tuesday, April 30, 2013

First Love

"Love at first sight is to understand, its when two people have been looking at each other for a life time that it becomes a miracle..." First Love, that's what it is. This is a pour femme by Shirley May gift that my mum Niisha bought me from her school trip to Mombasa. This coming from a ten-year-old, quite touching! You shoulda seen me, aaaaawww!!!!

The adrenalin and anxiety that she had about the trip was just draining. We were practically being reminded of it every day as she was doing her countdown to the D-day! Her siblings really missed her when she was away. This gives you a picture of how no matter how many sibling fights they have, deep down they share mad love for each other! :-))))

Mtu n'mamake! ...and true to those words, my mum knows my love for good perfume and her gift just mellowed me. Check it out, need I say more?... God bless her!

Today's a really special day to us coz it only seems like yesterday yet its a decade since mummy dearest passed on. Still nostalgic about it. We said a Remembrance prayer for her & those who passed on before and after her.

She died at her prime tender age of 56! peacefully in her sleep. You shoulda seen her! Very beautiful with a smile on her face. She was at peace with God's will. Rest in peace Maa and Happy Mother's Day!

I sure will get to blog about it some day, but for now "Allahumah Igh'firha Warhamha Makana Fii Jannah!"... AMEEN!

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