Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Hongeraa... nae mwana ahongeree"

"Hongeraa... nae mwana ahongeree, hongeraaa..." X10
We proudly swayed and sang to the mother of the bride (MOB) as we gifted her in cash and kind during her daughter's wedding over the Easter weekend back at home in Coast. This song is sang to congratulate the MOB in successfully raising her daughter to maturity ("ripe" for marriage) and still maintain her virginity.

Now this is a really mean feat to achieve in our current times especially with all media exposure and temptations left right and centre! So, the virginity news was received with shock as well as excitement! Now that right there is news worth bragging about! ;-))) The bride, who’s my niece, is a modern girl, well educated, highly focused and clearly had kept her chastity!!!!

Lemmie give you some lil juicy details to it. On the wedding day, when the Nikkah (Muslim wedding ceremony) has passed, the signing of the marriage certificate has an answering field to indicate whether or not the bride is a virgin. ...and on the wedding night, the truth shall prevail, the bride and groom solemnise their union on a white sheet. Yeah..., its true. Chambilecho wahenga... "Muacha mila ni mtumwa!"

The following morning the MOB is given feedback by presenting her the blood stained white sheet to proudly show off her daughter’s chastity. Ululations and congratulatory celebrations follow thereafter from her close relatives and friends. “Hongera... nae mwana ahongeree, hongeraa...” X10  ( “Congratulations to you (MOB)... and congrats to your daughter too, for the pride she has bestowed you...” X10 )

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