Thursday, March 14, 2013

"If I were you..."

These were the most dreaded words at the Editorial Graphics Design-desk. They always came and caught us unawares just when our creative juices were either at their lowest or when trying out something that was out of the box. Graphic designers at the Design-desk always looked over their shoulders for he whom was fond of unleashing these words.

The best is yet to come but the best I have ever learned in my many years of graphic designing, were under his wing. He would brief you on the assignment at hand and also chip in if the workload was overwhelming. Slowly and gradually we picked up his idealism. He would give credit where it was due and criticism too with equal measure. He was a good mentor and boss for me.

He always encouraged us to read more, learn more and new tricks to the trade and to also update ourselves with the latest designing trends worldwide, for the wide world web (www) was at our disposal. All we needed was just to dedicate 30minutes to an hour of our daily routine work to that.

Any Editorial graphic designer that was under Kamau Wanyoike's wing would attest to it... LOL. To you Kama, thank you and may the good Lord continue to bless your mentor-ship and leadership strengths. I often find myself pulling a "If I were you..." on myself in line of duty, tihihi. With tongue in cheek, one Mosh could pull a Kama on us designers at the desk and we would laugh our hearts out. ;-)))))))

"You can only make the best out of life by knowing and understanding it. To know, you must fall back on the intelligence of others who came before you and have left their records behind."  - Marcus Garvey