Saturday, March 2, 2013

Final submissions

Presidential candidates are on their last lap of campaigns urging and enticing voters that each is the best candidate for the job. Some of the manifestos are wanting and practical downright unrealistic! Wow! Politics is indeed a game of chess! Where the pawn is the most favoured piece!

Each candidate is spreading the message that the loser should concede and swear in a new president and government without a repeat of what happened five years ago, when Kenya was marred by the post elections violence that left scores of innocent people/citizens displaced, dead, injured and a country full of hatred and unwanted bloodshed.

The campaigns are at their final pitch as the elective candidates each spreads their final homestretch submission to the Kenyan voters. May the best candidate win and to my fellow Kenyans, there are better times ahead for this country for it is upon you to exercise your democratic right to vote. Vote wisely! Vote peacefully!

Let it be for the welfare of you as a citizen and not the political individual!

Safari ya Kenya kuwa mshindi imewadia, na msafiri ni yule aliye bandarini! Turnout in large numbers and vote for your future! 

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