Sunday, March 10, 2013

Historic Event

With every race, there is always a victor and a loser. Ours was a two-horse race that was vicious to the end. A game of politics it was where the presidential race had been loosely referred to as a two-horse race, disregarding the other six presidential candidates. Just as in a racecourse, the placed bets and supporting fans are what keeps the game alive and lively. Anyone who’s a keen analyst could tell by the look of things.

Cord and Jubilee were their names. You were either corded or jubilant as a fan in this race. The tallying of the numbers took an excruciating five days! You could smell the tension in air and sceptical looks on people’s faces everywhere you dared to go. I say dared because we were cynical about the whole affair and going by what happened in 2007, we were not taking any chances.

Alie na macho huwa haambiwi ona. The local media did a tremendous job in keeping it as real as possible to all is viewers and listeners, inviting brilliant individuals to analytically break it down to us politically laypersons. Just as the tallying was being done, so were the horses gaining the numbers and even you as the layman could tell who the winner of the race was.

After an excruciating wait, five days later, IEBC finally announced the winner, everyone was literally jubilant! Naaah... whom I'm I kidding! Indeed the Jubilee guys were literally jubilant but the same could not be said of the Cord(ed) guys. You see, its the corded guys that are the most vocal and expressive. They definitely didn't see this coming. I feel sorry for the way things turned out. This thing called politics...

You have to play smart and strategic. If you were not smart and strategic enough to know that you can go far alone but you can go further with people, then you will notice that the individual who did invest on strategic coalitions, got more votes. It was all in the tyranny of the numbers!

Congratulations are therefore in order to the son of Jomo, our founding father of this beautiful nation called Kenya. In his acceptance speech he acknowledged and commended his deputy, one William Samoei Ruto, an equally brilliant young lad with whom he promised to work with as a team and deliver what they promised in their manifesto especially in the first 100days in office!

While quoting the last verse of our national anthem,
                      "Let all with one accord,
                       In common bond united,
                       Build this our nation together,
                       And the glory of Kenya,
                       The fruit of our labour,
                       Fill every heart with thanksgiving." , our eloquent, brilliant, sharp and smart political scientist and economist oozed confidence as he concluded his speech. He's equally an excellent orator as he did not read out his speech but spoke from the heart. Yeah right, he had four days to rehearse it! tihihi... ;-)))) 

To you Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, the fourth President of our beloved country Kenya, under a new constitution have our promise to work together and indeed have won a place in the Hall of Fame, just as The Script & sang, not forgetting Kenya too earned has also earned its place at the Hall of Fame!

...and to this historic event, join me in three cheers to Kenya, "Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip Hooray!"

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