Friday, March 8, 2013

Hitting the shower

I don't know what it is with showers that makes one unleash their vocal prowess! ;-) When one hits the showers, you automatically become that super star who releases those beautiful ballads. Honestly, showering becomes fun. You lather and scrub yourself well and throw in some funky dance moves. Talk about taking showering to a whole new level!

I have been told, NO!... I know that I murder songs! tihihi... I just can't seem to release that sweet melody. But my daughters on the hand, boy oh boy can they hit a note! Just listening to them sing tells you that there's talent right there. Each has a particular strength, bass, soprano, alto, you name it, they can comfortably hit it!

They keep asking me where they got their vocal prowess from and I tell them it must be from me! Ha ha ha ha... yeah right?! Imagine its true, it is from me. My lineage. My paternal grandma, whose also my namesake, was quite a musician and a composer too! She was quite some lady. On my hubby's side, naaah, no one. They are still puzzled as to why I just can't seem to get the notes right. There are some genetic inheritance that skip a/some generation(s) you know... this must be one of them. ;-)

My God you should hear my daughters sing in the shower! for Nratili. They really hit those notes and whatever song it is that they fancy at that particular time, the rendition is superb! You can hear that she has at that particular moment owned the song, playfully singing and enjoying it, all at the same time.I know with guidance and fine tuning, they can go places.

Speaking of which, why haven't I recorded them doing so? I actually should! ...yeah? Guess I just get carried away with the singing and dance along to the tune and just happy and proud as a mum. Try it out today, in the shower, see whose the song murderer in the family? Any feedback for me?

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