Saturday, October 29, 2011


Today I went down memory lane. I listened to my all time favorite songs. 99.9% of them are love songs! HMPH!... you shoulda seen me! O-M-G! I was suddenly re-born. Full of energy. Back to the days of my teenhood! GOSH! I thank God I came across the CDs, flash-disk and radio cassette as I was re-arranging my room, placing things in order since moving house. Going through my stuff that was nicely stashed for a later reference, the photos and my music was the icing in the cake!

I called my girls and we had a blast and really good laugh as we went down memory lane. They asked questions, made comments and compliments. THAT MOMENT... that very moment... is and will be for a very long time, well imprinted in my mind! It was totally amazing! You shoulda seen the bonding session! HMPH! Alhamdullilah! I thank God for the gift of love!

Back to my music, I am a sucker for love songs... They get me all mushy and lovey dovey. Since my childhood days of the Cinderella fairy tales, when love ruled and conquered the smitten heart, I instantly got hooked up to love songs. From the days when we would wait patiently wait by the radio for our favorite songs to play so that we could dub them into cassettes! I'm I talking to anyone out there? :) Boy! did I graduate to be a master dubber or what! :)

But gone are those days. Technological advancements have moved practically everything to another level! Don't even get me started! This is a topic for another day. Today... today I will definitely have a good night sleep. That which is said to be as a baby's. For my heart is light, full of happiness and lotsa love!

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