Thursday, July 19, 2012

What really happens?

I don't know what really happens but there are some days when one just wakes up on the wrong foot/side! There are many a times that I have wished I could have the power to stop time or fast forward it to another day, just so I don't get to have unpleasant things one after consume every ticking minute of that day!

For me to get an answer to this, I really need to engage a few of my close friends to an intimate talk. These friends are those that are a 'must have'  in everyone's life. I say so because they are the ones that tell you off when need be and always able to tell white from black at a glance of you. They give you a reality check and not that "yes... yes" polite way of supporting whatever it is you propose to them or want to do.

...and WHY do I want to? Well... of late I have been having many incidences that are happening to me, of which, aren't pleasant at all, to say the least. Is it that I have a "woiyeeee" face? Is it my warm heart that is betraying me? or is it that I am too polite that I bring out the bitch in someone??!!!

I have been busy and not in touch or rather mingle a lot with people lately that I find that people have become mean overnight! Is life too harsh for you such that you constantly feel the need to frustrate any person who is just simply happy??!! Gosh! People need to style up and relax! Kueni wapole.....

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