Thursday, August 25, 2011

Struggling with demons

Everyone in the entire world, has had a share of demons to struggle with. From the tender age of childhood to adulthood, demons have taken shape and form in different stages of our lives, and to be honest, facing and overcoming these demons is the hardest thing anyone can do. This is so coz it torments and drains one emotionally and psychologically and the torment is usually triggered by a glance. 

The sight of the dreaded demon triggers a level of anxiety that reaches it peak the more you keep glaring at it. Struggling with one’s demons is one thing and conquering them is another. It is said that with age, one becomes older and wiser but not everyone has that privilege. I have reached a point in life where I not only have to glance at my demons but keep facing them to enable me to find out where they set in and try as much as I can to put a closure to each one of the many demons I possess! 

As tough as it should be, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! and I think this is something I’ll be doing for the rest of my life.

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