Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lost in thought...

I wasn’t in a hurry to reach my destination. I needed a breath of fresh air albeit the chilly weather one June afternoon. I was walking slowly scanning the pedestrians’ faces and everyone seemed to be lost in thought.

There is one who caught my interest. He was talking animatedly to himself and a quick scan revealed that he didn’t have any Bluetooth on his ear nor did he have any headphones to indicate that he was on phone..., but hands free.

Another quick look of him revealed a smartly dressed young guy who I would place to be roughly 30-35 years of age, decent looking and well groomed. So, the question is, what drives a young guy like that to talk to himself?

Could it be that he’s from a client who wasn’t happy his presentation, proposal or another regret feedback from a job prospect? The excuses are countless. And before long, I spot another one, and another one and another one...

Wait a minute, what is not happening here. Waah! they were endless. Are we so preoccupied with our subconscious self that we let it control our self awareness? The older we get, the more responsibilities we acquire and without proper social network, the toll will definitely take its course on us.

 Always remember, a problem shared is a problem half-solved!

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