Wednesday, February 27, 2013

This month February

My birthday comes two days after the demise of our beloved angel, daughter and sister. This year marks the sixth commemoration of my sweet angel Mishi. Just as the years before, coming to terms with God's will is still nostalgic. All the same, you can never question His will.

This year marks a significant milestone in my life. I have come of age where one least cares what others think of them, what matters is how I personally feel and the energy that I emit especially to my loved ones is positive and will counter that which is given to me. I share the same birth month with my baby Nratili, which comes 13 days after mine.

All the happenings of this month are emotionally overwhelming but all the same, we are thankful to God Almighty for His grace, blessings, wisdom and mercies that He has bestowed upon us. And as this month comes to an end, I shall continue to embrace one day at a time.

For me, I wish myself a long healthy life full of youthful energy and strength, wisdom and prosperity, abundant love from and to my loved ones and may harm evade me so that I am free of pain not forgetting that all this is only possible through God's will and blessings! 

For you my baby Nratili, may God always have you in His favour, may He grant you good health, long life, wisdom and prosperity beyond your wildest dreams, abundant love for and from your loved ones and may He also shield you from harm or pain, husdah na hasdah, as we say it. May you also be a good judge of character for in your journey through life, you will encounter so many people, each of different character. And may you also always be true to yourself and never forget where you came from.

I love you so much, as in to the moon and back! Its infinity, this love of mine! I will always be here for you, no matter what! Kapish? ;-)))))

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