Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jinx!, you owe me...

This is the trend now in my household whenever the girls say something at the same time. This could be a comment or reply to a question asked. An example is when I asked the girls if they had finished their homework coz they were watching TV instead of doing their homework. They answered in unison, "YES!"

Next thing I heard was... "Jinx you owe me a pin-pop! Jinx you owe me a soda! Jinx you owe me clothes!" ...and as they say this, it is still in unison until one defaults on the owing thing! You should see the body swaying and loud confrontation of the involved persons.  Ti-hi-hi... funny huh!!?

In the beginning I would laugh soo hard coz the confrontational sight was so amusing. Well now, it still is amusing though recently I fell a victim too. I answered in unison with my mum to a question her older sister had asked, the next thing I saw was some 10-year-old girl rolling her eyes on me saying, “Jinx! You owe me a pin-pop! Jinx you owe me a soda! Jinx you owe me clothes!...”

...and who was I to be left behind. We went head-to-head, leggo!  “Jinx! You owe me a pin-pop! Jinx you owe me a soda! Jinx you owe me clothes!... not forgetting that I too was body swaying and eye rolling!!! ;-)))

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