Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Person or Lesson for Life!

Happy new year y’all. You have to thank our Almighty God for the precious gift of life and good health. I am indeed grateful and thankful for that. The festive/holiday blues are now over and reality has checked in. Its back to work and back to school or whatever was it was you were engaging yourself with.

Being a new year, there are many resolutions or just a few practical and realistic ones that we set for ourselves, then we pray and hope we meet at least half of those by mid-year. My prayer and hope for this year is continue thanking God for everything that comes my way in this journey of life. May He continue to keep me from harm so that I am free of pain. May His blessings continue to flow as I get to learn and be humbled from each encounter. Amen!

In the journey of life, you get to interact with several people along the way. Some good, some not so good, some bad, some not so bad and some are just pretty indescribable! People come into your life for a reason or a season, though you shouldn’t dwell on that. The lesson will be learnt in due course. It is said that when you fully trust a person without any doubt, you eventually get one of the two results; A person for life or A lesson for life!

There you have it. Food for thought as the year takes off!

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