Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale!

What is life without dreams? This is one area that  doesn't discriminate, young or old, male or female, WE ALL all have dreams. It is our dreams that give us the will power to sleep and rise to see another morning and continue to hope and pray that our dreams come true. 

As we were growing up, we were fed on fairy tales that were so surreal that they can only be "in our dreams!" ...tihihi. Several times we've had a sarcastic response from mum, sibling, relative or loved one telling us "...hmm! dream oooon sister/brother!"

Being and feeling so high on your dream, you just shrug the sarcastic comment least it ruin your day. We live by these dreams, and as The Secret tells us, the more you have the same thoughts over and over again, you end up attracting that karma and you could eventually live your dream!! How about that!  :-)

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