Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale!

What is life without dreams? This is one area that  doesn't discriminate, young or old, male or female, WE ALL all have dreams. It is our dreams that give us the will power to sleep and rise to see another morning and continue to hope and pray that our dreams come true. 

As we were growing up, we were fed on fairy tales that were so surreal that they can only be "in our dreams!" ...tihihi. Several times we've had a sarcastic response from mum, sibling, relative or loved one telling us "...hmm! dream oooon sister/brother!"

Being and feeling so high on your dream, you just shrug the sarcastic comment least it ruin your day. We live by these dreams, and as The Secret tells us, the more you have the same thoughts over and over again, you end up attracting that karma and you could eventually live your dream!! How about that!  :-)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Real and Fake!

As I had earlier stated, I am a sucker for love. Love melts my heart and always makes me feel the appreciation that I am valued and mean something to someone. A real self esteem booster! But then again, as years have gone by, I have come to understand and know when REAL and FAKE love that being is directed my way. You know, the way someone knows that you are a sucker for something, and they fully, I mean FULLY take advantage of that fact to play with your emotions so as to gain whatever it is they wanted to achieve in the first place. Yeah... that one!!!

To my understanding and the way I know it to be:-

Love takes time. It needs a history of giving and receiving, laughing and crying. ...and boy have I had my moments of everything! Without giving, you cannot receive and equally, without knowing sadness, disappointment and tears of pain, betrayal, anger &loss... you will not appreciate the joys, laughter and happiness of Love!!!!
Love never promises instant gratification, only ultimate fulfillment. Finally but not least, Love means believing in someone, in something... It supposes a willingness to struggle, to work, to suffer and to rejoice!

To all yee love suckers as I out there...  life is too short to have any regrets. Love like there's no tomorrow, ...for, it is your personal gratification and happiness, is all that counts!

This thing called... P

One of the few resolutions I had for the year 2012, was to stop this procrastination nonsense! Now look where we are in the year.... yeah, I know! Its just TWO months to usher in 2013!

The mostly affected is this blog. I made a promise NOT TO let my procrastinating ways affect this blog and I even blogged about it! I truly need to re-evaluate myself and do a summary as to why I am not even able to spare atleast 30 minutes daily for this!! But then again... I'm only human! ;-)