A fortnight ago, early Sunday morning at around 7.20am,
the door bell awoke the entire household. In the mist of gathering your
thoughts and being fully awake, there was another door bell ring. I was a
little under the weather so my hubby went out to see who it was at the door. It
was a neighbourhood child who had come to tell my daughters that their madrassa
van has come to pick them.
Hubby called out the second-born’s name, only for
her to come out of the room still startled by the door bell. He wasn’t amused
that she had not set the alarm to wake up early and prepare her siblings for
madrassa. He then told her to talk to the girl at the door. Guess what she
said?... “Hi, my dad’s going to drop us.” She then proceeded to close the door
and smiled at her dad.
“Say What?! You did not just say that?” thundered
the dad! He then went on and gave her a lecturer on being responsible of
yourself and actions. She is the older one of the siblings, therefore, the
responsibility and guidance of her younger siblings solely rests upon her! They
were all called and given a lecture too.
“So since you love your sleep too much, you all go
take a shower, then go back to sleep. There is no way I will drop you at madrassa!
If you knew that I would be dropping you, then why bother paying for the
van??!!” said hubby literally mad this time.
That will be your punishment! “No going to madrassa!
No watching TV! Strictly no coming out of your rooms unless otherwise! (It was
during the month of Ramadhan, so they couldn’t feed as they were fasting) You
are simply going to sleep the WHOLE day!...up until it’s time to break your
fast. And tomorrow morning, you had better wake up early such that by 7.10am,
you are out of the house, by the gate waiting for the van! Are my clear?” as he
looked at all his children straight in their eyes.
Waah! I hadn’t seen him so disappointed in them! Our
eldest daughter and I felt sorry for them but they had to be punished because
they were kinda making it a habit of waking up late and either the van waits
for them to finish dressing up or the dad drops them later when through. He had
had enough of their mind games and early morning laziness!
You shoulda seen them! The shock, fear and mixed emotions
in their eyes! SIGH...They had never seen dad this mad! This is one punishment
that they will never forget and will forever chuckle about when they will be
older and wiser! I’m still chuckling as I write this...but the point was definitely
driven home! They have NEVER woken up late, ever! ;-)