Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Peace of mind

Everyone I know always wants to have a peace of mind, just to have a blank mind, even for a few hours on end, that is not clouded with so many issues. Too many issues in mind makes one feel like a failure! in every aspect of the issue. Failure does not mean you have failed, it means you have NOT succeeded yet! Anything in life that we don't accept will simply make trouble for us until we make peace with it.

I am strong because I am weak. I'm beautiful because I know my flaws. I'm a lover because I am a fighter. I'm fearless because I have been afraid. I'm wise because I have been foolish... & I can laugh because I have known sadness.

Monday, July 18, 2011


What is your understanding of this word... Character? Its a word that so simple yet soo mighty! In the few years of my existence, I thank God for giving me that gift of a design creative, for it is with that knowledge that I am able to know of the human character.

It is not something that really comes easily, because looks can be deceiving! Oooh yes! "I'm I talking to somebody?" The knowledge and art of seeing, observing, taking note of the important key areas, interpreting and finally understanding anyone's character needs patience! Patience... so that everything falls into its place perfectly!
Some words of wisdom that always take you back for some reality check!... "Never design your character like a garden where everyone can walk. Design your character like the sky where everyone desires to reach!"