It feels really great to have someone special /
who could amount to several special people
who are in their own element and free-self
with with you or close enough from you.
It's amazing how the sight of you makes them feel
the warm and genuine smile from within
and if disturbed, u will always tell from the face,
the eyes and facial expression will tell you all.
It's the little things that count
the firm but friendly handshake,
while maintaining eye contact
the genuine warm hug, tho' a little prolonged
the freshly picked flowers, just for you with a BIG smile
and the sharing of all your day's events, both
good and not so good, which feels great that you can relate.
Just knowing that you will always be there
to celebrate, joke, wine, cry or be angry
to dine, drink, dance and laugh at silly stories...
That is what I feel when with my hubby,
and the countless things he and our children
have done to make me 'feel' special!
And as always, I reciprocate!
God bless my family!